Friday, July 11, 2014

Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands controlled the Libertarian-Communist dialectic

Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands controlled the Libertarian-Communist dialectic

by on March 11, 2012
Baruch (left, Bernard Baruch, the Zionist millionaire who sponsored both the Bolshevik Revolution and the Libertarian movement in the United States)
Closing the circle, in this article Memehunter connects the founding fathers of the Libertarian party directly to the top of the Money Power chain of command. It was Alfred Kohlberg, fronting for his boss Bernard Baruch, who played a key role in both the cover up of Jewish involvement in Bolshevism and building up the other side of the dialectic: Libertarianism.
By Memehunter
For Henry Makow and Real Currencies
In How the Illuminati $pawn Libertarians, Anthony Migchels explained how a myriad Libertarian organizations were funded by the Illuminati Money Power. Today, we follow up on this article by explaining a key incentive behind this funding: To cover up the Illuminati Money Power’s connection with Communism.

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